Sunday, January 16, 2011

Holstee Manifesto - Words to Live By

Wow.  Back story = BORING.  I feel like I need to apologize for that last post.  It was my story and even I got bored reading it! 

I saw the following paragraph on a Facebook profile page.  I loved the message and decided to find out where it came from.  The "Holstee Manifesto" can be found on the About page for a company called Holstee which produces "kick-ass products, sustainably made, with a social impact." 

Wow, again.  I love, love, love this.  It's such a great message, and something that so many of us often forget.  My favorite lines are:

   This is your life.  Life is simple.  Life is short.  Live your dream.

I don't know about anyone else but I find in my life I sometimes get bogged down by the little things, the inconsequential stuff, the things that don't really matter at all.  I lose sight of what's important and spend way too much time and energy stressing about things that are so minor in the scheme of things, things that aren't worth my time or energy. 

I loved this message so much because it's a concept that I am really coming to grasp and trying hard to work on. Be happy.  Make yourself happy.  Be true to yourself.  You are the only person responsible for your own happiness.  If you're not happy with the way things are, change them.  So simple, so why do we have so many troubles following this.  How many times do we stay in a job for all the wrong reasons?  Marry the wrong persons because it's easier than taking a risk and finding true love.  The easiest road isn't always the best.  We have one life, so why not live it to it's fullest. 

The Holstee Manifesto can be found here:

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